Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible. ~St. Francis of Assisi

In a social milieu that encourages the expression of a variety of opinions on every question that arises, it is important to recognize dissent for what it is, and not to mistake it for a mature contribution to a balanced and wide-ranging debate. It is the truth revealed through Scripture and Tradition and articulated by the Church’s Magisterium that sets us free. (Pope Benedict XVI)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My current favorite blog (from someone I do not know)


She is Catholic,
she is human,
she is honest,
she can be a HOOT!

I truly appreciate her honest observations and her life struggles.

Hats off to you, Char!

How one family celebrates Lent

We have been slowly discovering the beautiful traditions of our Faith. Sometimes, after learning about certain Traditions of the Catholic Church, we make our own home traditions in order to reflect a particular liturgical season.
Not many years ago, we thought of Lent as this “obligatatory time” to give up chocolate and go to the occasional fish fry. We had fallen into a pattern of taking home a parish bulletin laden with Lenten advice and simply laying it on a shelf never to be picked up again. Of course, we made sure to “get our confessions in” before Holy Week, but it was out of habit. When I was lucky enough to have Good Friday off from work, I used that day to shop to fill Easter baskets full of delicious treats and to perpetuate the “Bunny thing.” Lent was just this long period of meatless Fridays - not a hardship when you really like all things seafood - in February and March.

Something behind this pattern was “off” to us when we began to realize that Lent was meant to be something spiritual. We started to understand that “mortification of the body” (I.e. fasting and abstinance) was not a torture to be endured, but an opportunity to focus those energies on repentance and prayer. It also helps to put us in touch with those suffering on earth as we prepare to walk Christ’s Passion during Holy Week. As we realized the significance of Lent, we wondered why we were so willing to brush it off as unimportant. I was at a loss as to how to achieve that “atmosphere” of almsgiving, fasting, and prayer.

After some thought, our family discovered a way to decorate our home, our Domestic Church, in order to assist us in remaining presently in Lent. Finally, we unpack the same linens we used during Advent and drape our family altar, dining room table, and fireplace mantle in purple. We then place some candle holders that I had decorated with simple pictures of the Stations of the Cross on our mantle. We can now easily do our own Stations of the Cross as a family whenever we feel the urge. I also picked up some small unfinished wooden letters that spell out “Repent”, or “Pray” so that we are reminded of the reason for this particular season every time our eyes are drawn to the purple cloth.

This tradition of ours is supplemented with appropriate field trips, more EWTN programs for children/adults, Lighthouse Catholic Media-style CD’s by good, solid Catholic speakers, and quiet, seasonal music that does not become celebratory until Easter. We have found that Lent is a great time to have a retreat or to give even more of our time and talents to a community charity or to give a little more of ourselves at our parish. Of course, we still prepare for the family’s Easter traditions and we still bake a lot, but it has now been placed in its proper place in this Domestic Church and we praise God for that.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Busy day tomorrow

I am getting tired just thinking about tomorrow.  Apparently, we have a "Post March For Life 2010" meeting of the moms, then our first apologetics class, a break for lunch, and then I teach Latin class.  We will be busy from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. tomorrow at one families house (May God bless her abundantly for that alone!  We are already asking for early sainthood for her...)

I was going to take the kids back to karate after quite a hiatus, but I think it can wait another week - a week I won't have three other major time-consuming things happening...

Monday, February 15, 2010

Some comments on home education

“Anonymous” wrote to a groups of us fellow homeschoolers:
I know that our state law seems restrictive especially compared to many other states; in the long run, however, this might also prove a blessing, especially with homeschooling coming under fire in California. The parameters which are in place now might prove in the future to protect the right to homeschool in our state.

A compilation of our thoughts (written by a number of moms):

I just think we are too willing to give up too many of their personal liberties to people who don't know how to raise children better than we do. Do politicians (or professional educators, for that matter) really know what constitutes a proper education for your child more than you do?
One needs to remember that laws only punish law-abiding citizens. Lawbreakers by definition do not obey the law! We need to remember according to the Declaration of Independence we have inalienable rights (non-transferable, God-given), not 'privileges given by the State' (a premise of Socialism).
The problem with the PA law is that the government has taken over an area that God gave to the family. I know the verse, "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's." AMEN - I believe all that the Bible says. However, I disagree with the state’s (and others’) fallible interpretation of that verse. God gave the responsibility of raising children to the family, not to the state. This law does not protect children, it only punishes the law-abiding parents in this state with more paperwork, expense, and it gives the State an avenue into the day-to-day activities in our homes. The 4th Amendment says that the State should have no assess to my private papers without a warrant and without probable cause that a crime has been committed. With our current law, we have to prove we are not guilty of a crime to continue home educating each year, even though the State has no probable cause that a crime has been committed.  We are assumed guilty and we have to prove our innocence each year.
Our state operates under the assumption that parents do not have their children's best interests at heart. However, the United States Supreme Court ruled in 1979 that the assumption is that parents do have their children's best interests at heart and laws should reflect that spirit.
The PA law is designed to control us, not protect us, and it certainly does not contribute to our children's success. Government oversight, as research by HSLDA and others cites, does not contribute to a student's educational success. It's foundation is flawed - they believe they know better than parents what is best for their own children.

Our children having us as parents and we parents having our individual children is no mistake Please don't think that children in schools are learning every day - they are all wishing to be out and learning the things that they actually WANT to learn.

“Anonymous” wrote to a groups of us fellow homeschoolers: The other concern that we might overlook as we seek to diligently train our own children is that there are other family situations that are not necessarily the best.

A compilation of our thoughts (written by a number of moms):

The problem with the PA law is that the government has taken over an area that God gave to the family.  God gave the responsibility of raising children to the family not to the state. Child abuse and neglect are already against the law. PA home schooling law does not keep those children who are being abused from the abuse of parents/guardians who would abuse their children regardless of their schooling situation!
I disagree with the foundation of your argument - I am not to determine which family situation is the best.  I am to do God's Will in my life and for my family and, of course, to help those in need when I see a need.  I am not to judge another family's situation as being better or worse than mine.  Just because certain family situations are "not necessarily the best" does not mean they are abusive or wrong!  Like was stated above - the oppressive state laws regarding home schooling does not prevent child abuse and nelgect.  Just like churches' and other organizations' policies requiring "Child Protection" training does not keep abusers from abusing children - it just serves to protect the organization's rear end.  No child abuser (whether a parent or stranger), a defined law breaker - see earlier comment, is going to choose to NOT abuse a child simply because they were required to take a course on protecting children from abuse.  It is a completely illogic premise.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


We are officially dig out from the Big Winter Storm of 2010 and only have a few minor things to work on due to our experience of being powerless, waterless, and stranded.  Things are normal back-to-baseline - which is not normal to others, but normal to us :-)

I cantored last evening's mass and this morning's choir mass.  I am breaking out in song once again now that my vocal cords have thawed - LOL

PapPap and Nanna took Sorella Half-Pint to her montessori-based catechism this morning.  She was very excited to see Fr. P and her friends again...

Babbo Bear took Fratello Maggiore and Fratello Piccolo to 11:30 am Mass where the boys served at the altar. 

Various classes are still being canceled due to a lack of parking spaces at various homes, but we expect that to be fixed in short order.

I am dreaming daily of green grass and warm air on my skin!  Who is with me???

Green police

You know, I thought the Super Bowl Ad for the car (can't recall the brand - it was so memorable) that satired "Green Police".  Well, a city in MA seems to be full of freaks activists and concerned citizens that are out of their looney minds apparently serious about forcing "greenness" on its residents.  SERIOUSLY?  Seriously.  Chalk another one up to the religion of Environmentalism and worship at the altar of All Things Green...
Lookin' for a new roll of duct tape. 

Friday, February 12, 2010

Busy reading and found a few "gems"

In a satirical piece, Acts of the Apostasy blogger writes about the Supernatural Bowl and I find myself definitely on the side of the Saints - not the Mules!

My exact thoughts on altar servers and footwear can be found here written by CheekyPinkGirl who considers herself an opinionated Catholic. - Go girl!  Babbo Bear actually said something to our parish priest about an older altar server who was in soccer shoes (and pulling her feet in and out of said 'shoes') and chewing gum while serving on the altar!

I, too, have a problem with altar girlz since the Catholic Church is NOT a democracy and - news flash, folks - males and females are different whether you want to admit it or not.  This is not 'It's about me, it's about my rights, it's about equality - and those who disagree with me are either malicious or bad (or probably both...)' - it is not about us as individuals, it is about service to God.  Many would-be priests are being brushed aside under the pretense of  'equality.'  Sorry if this offends, but so be it.  I am a modern, logical, reasonable, 100% feminine child of God- not a feminist (and I thank Him every day for that!). 

And why, oh why, am I hearing more and more about crappy confessions instead of wonderful, soul-cleansing ones?  Why have I had to look elsewhere (outside my own parish) to find a good confessor?  Char is right about this one - it is NOT a drive-through and each of us is the 'greatest of sinners' (to paraphrase a prayer in the  Byzantine Rite) and we need good confessions to be the RULE, not the exception!
Dear Mom and Dad, I want you to know

My young heart is beating, my eyes fill with tears,

I pray that your love will conquer your fears.

God knit me here, you are my lifeline,

Will you sing to me, sweet Mother of Mine?

If you do not want me, please give me away,

There are loving arms waiting that want me to stay.

You will think of me each day of your life,

And the doctor who tore me from you with his knife.

Why would you want us to suffer this pain?

If I'm lost forever, what would you gain?

My Daddy, Listen, can you hear my screams?

Help Me! I cry for you in my dreams.

A farewell lullabye, please sing to me, Dad,

The pain is so great and I am so sad.

My heart aches to see, to feel and to touch

The Mom and Dad who I love so much.

Will I never run, or sing, or play,

Or hear the kind things that mothers say?

I would love to see Grandmom and play with toys,

And hug my Daddy like most girls and boys.

To money and things my parents are drawn,

But when their arms long to hold me, I will be gone.

The tears of the Angels flood Heaven today

As I join fifty million souls who perished this way.

We are crying our hearts out and trembling with fears,

But ours screams for mercy fall on deaf ears.

Does anyone out there have compassion for me?

When you were sown in her womb, your mom let you be.

I am being tortured in this home that I know,

Will you sing me a lullabye before I go?

A stranger prays and sings on the street

For all the children they never will meet.

Someday in Heaven, I'll find you to say;

Thank you for praying and singing that day.

As I lay there dying, I saw you weep,

With a sweet lullabye you sang me to sleep.

The Angels will carry me home when I cry

With millions of infants who pray in the sky

For the souls of the parents they yearned to kiss

And never will know the babies they'll miss.

My Savior awaits my arrival today,

"Vengeance is Mine," I heard the Lord say.

Your soul, Mom and Dad, you have defiled.

Oh Beg for God's mercy for killing your child!

The Angels sing lullabyes at Heaven's door

And play with the Babies, our tears shed no more.

Catherine Walsh

God is most interested in what?

Life is a series of problems: Either you are in one now, you're just coming out of one, or you're getting ready to go into another one.  The reason for this is that God is more interested in your character than your comfort; God is more interested in making your life holy than He is in making your life happy.    (Rick Warren - author of A Purpose Driven Life)

Very true words - thank God He gave us the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Let it snow... AGAIN!

Well, it looks as if we are not out of the woods yet.  More snow is falling now.  Forecast has us prepared for 8-12" more. 
We are well-prepared for this next wave.  Gas for generator, water for drinking/cooking, water for washing/force flushing toilet, milk, food, etc.  We are ready for whatever falls on us through tomorrow night.  Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
I am still trying to figure out why people need rolls and rolls of tp for a few days of snow - do these people know something I do not?  What does one do with dozens of rolls of tp - insulate the attic??

Monday, February 8, 2010

NOW and the Super Bowl Tebow ad...

...are you seriously kidding me?  SERIOUSLY?  NOW (Nat'l Org of Women) needs to get real and perhaps tackle something actually serious like human trafficking, pedophilia, true suppression of women, the link between abortion and breast cancer... the list goes ON and ON and they are upset by Tebow fake-tackling his mother in a Super Bowl Ad?!!!!
(eyes to Heaven) - Lord, hear our prayers, poor sinners that we are.

I laugh at the absurdity.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

I never did post our resources for the year

Wow!  We have just finished day 115 of our school year (in PA we are to "school" for 180 days - quite a joke to us veteran home educators since education occurs 24/7)

I realized that I never posted my list of resources for this year.  These are our bread and butter after the Bible and the CCC...

Fratello Maggiore - gr 7
  • The Life of Grace - Faith and Life  gr 7
  • Jesus, The Way, the Truth, the Life - Image of God gr 7
  • Lingua Mater
  • Latin
  • Life Science
  • Daily Grams Gr 7
  • PreAlgebra Demystified
  • Stories of the Saints III - CHC
  • My Catholic Speller, E - CHC
  • Christ and the Americas 
  • Great Documents in U.S. History: Volume 1
Fratello Piccolo - gr 5
  • Credo: I Believe - Faith and Life gr 5
  • The Sacrament of Confirmation
  • Rare Catholic Stories and Poems- CHC
  • The King of the Golden City - Mother Mary Loyola
  • Jesus, the Catechism, and Me - Fr. Levis
  • Language Of God D
  • Latin
  • Life Science
  • Daily Grams Gr 5
  • Singapore Math 5
  • Stories of the Saints I - CHC
  • My Catholic Speller, C - CHC
  • From Sea to Shining Sea 
  • Great Documents in U.S. History: Volume 1
Sorella Half-Pint - gr 1
  • How to Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons
  • My Very First Catholic Speller - CHC
  • Singapore Math 1
  • Little Stories for Little Folks: Catholic Phonics Readers - CHC
  • Bob Books
  • Catholic Heritage Handwriting Series: Levels K and 1 - CHC

Morning has broken

I sit here on generator-assisted computer time.  Power company guarantees power to all customers by Friday, Feb 12 - that is 5 days away...  We are stuck vehicle-wise, but have the necessities.

The sun is out and the thick, deep blanket of snow is beautiful.  The dog is leaping through the snow. The kids are upstairs getting something for breakfast.  Babbo Bear just awoke - he took the 1:30 - 3:30 am "furnace shift." 

God is good. 

We are warm and comfy.  There is still coffee to drink.  The kids are used to not getting much 'media' so they are not nearly as bored as many others may be with no power...

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Big Snow of 2010 Daybook

Outside my window - is over 2 feet of beautiful snow. The trees are bowing under the weight of it all and the air is cold and biting - but it is a sight to see! Early today it was as if God laid the softest quilt of white cloth over us!

I am hearing - the hum of our generator that is keeping our furnace's fans blowing the warm air from our wood burner. The clicking of the keyboard, and the ticking of the clock.

I am wearing - flannel pj's and slipper boots

I am thankful to God for
- wood, coal, gas, water, and coffee! Of course, also for my wonderful family. Every family member is pulling his or her weight during this hardship.

I am thinking about - Latin class and the fact that it had to be canceled due to this power outage and lack of parking

Our learning corner - HalfPint is learning to read. She is doing beautifully and really taking off with it. She can read Green Eggs and Ham with hardly a challenge...

Around the house - we are currently just trying to keep the house warm during this power outage for all 7 humans, 3 dogs, and nearly 30 birds. The adults of the house have to take 2-hour shifts during the night with the wood/coal burner because there is no electric "emergency backup" to kick in if the fire dies out.

One of my favorite things - besides fresh, strong, hot coffee??? Ummm - snuggling between flannel sheets and sinking my head into my pillow and having my nightly chat with Mother Mary and her Amazing, Awesome Son!

I am reading - Imitation of Christ and A Patriot's History of the United States: From Columbus's Great Discovery to the War on Terror ~ Larry Schweikart (Author), Michael Patrick Allen (Author)

My thoughts - Mr. Gore MUST be frozen somewhere and shocked at the way climate change is happening - I know God made this earth to be wonderfully self-healing and He knows just what He is doing... I am a good steward of the land where I live, but I refuse to join the new 'religion' of environmentalism.